考研英语外刊杂志科学新闻Science News-2025合集
美国《科学新闻》杂志(Science News)由非营利机构美国科学与公众协会(The Society for Science & the Public)出版,出版地为华盛顿特区。《科学新闻》杂志(Science News)为双周刊
《科学新闻》杂志已有 94 年的历史,一直致力于为公众提供值得信赖的科学信息。1922 年,报纸出版人爱德华·W. 斯克里普斯(Edward W. Scripps)创办了《科学新闻》杂志,最初名为Science News-letter,这是美国第一份旨在为公众提供客观严谨的科学新闻的出版物。如今,《科学新闻》杂志的使命依然没有改变,始终以“传播育人”为己任,继续将各个科学领域的重要发现传递给公众。
Overview: Science News is published by the non-profit organization The Society for Science&the Public in Washington, D.C. Science News is a biweekly magazine
Science News magazine has a history of 94 years and has been committed to providing trustworthy scientific information to the public. In 1922, newspaper publisher Edward W. Scripps founded Science News magazine, originally named Science Newsletter, which was the first publication in the United States aimed at providing objective and rigorous scientific news to the public. Nowadays, the mission of Science News magazine remains unchanged, always taking “communication and education” as its responsibility, and continuing to convey important discoveries in various scientific fields to the public.
The Science News magazine is written, edited, and designed by a top-notch team, targeting science enthusiasts, scholars who hope to gain a deeper understanding of cutting-edge scientific achievements, and scientists who constantly monitor developments in other fields.
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