

经济学人精读节选100篇Why global GDP might be $7trn bigger than everyone thought 为什么全球GDP可能比大家想象的要高出7万亿美元


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Why global GDP might be $7trn bigger than everyone thought


【导读】The discovery has perturbed **officials。这一发现令一些官员感到不安。

【1】MANY PEOPLE have experienced the joy of finding some spare change down the back of the sofa. On May 30th the World Bank experienced something similar, if on a grander scale. After rooting around in 176 countries, it discovered almost $7trn in extra global GDP—equivalent to an extra France and a Mexico.

单词解析:grander:adj.宏大的;宏伟的;(用于大建筑物等的名称)大;壮丽的;重大的;堂皇的;有气派的 grand的比较级

例句:Never had he seen a grander sight. 他从未见过如此壮丽的景色。


【2】In fact, there may be a better analogy. What the World Bank discovered was not additional money to spend, but the equivalent of a discount voucher, which cuts 4% off the price of every good and service the world buys in a year. That means global spending can stretch further than previously thought.

单词解析:previously:adv. 先前;(一段时间)以前

例句:Previously she had very little time to work in her own garden. 以前,她没什么时间打理自己的花园。


【3】To understand why, it helps to carry out a thought experiment. Imagine that the many countries of the world all produced only one thing: Big Macs. In calculating the GDP of these economies, their national accountants would use market prices. America might, for example, value Big Macs at $5.69 each (the average price across big American cities, according to McDonald’s). If it produced a hundred in a period of time, its GDP would be $569. In adding up the size of the world economy, it would make sense to use the same prices in all countries. If a rival economy produced 125 burgers, its measured GDP should be 25% higher.

单词解析:burger:n. (汉堡牛肉式的)鱼松饼,菜末饼,果仁饼

例句:The children demolished their burgers and chips. 孩子们狼吞虎咽地吃了汉堡包和炸土豆条。

要了解原因,进行思想实验会有所帮助。想象一下,世界上许多国家都只生产一种东西:巨无霸。在计算这些经济体的国内生产总值时,它们的国民会计师将使用市场价格。例如,美国可能将巨无霸的估值定为每辆 5.69 美元(根据麦当劳的数据,这是美国大城市的平均价格)。如果它在一段时间内生产了一百个,它的GDP将是569美元。在将世界经济规模相加时,在所有国家使用相同的价格是有意义的。如果一个竞争对手的经济体生产了125个汉堡,那么其衡量的GDP应该高出25%。

【4】Unfortunately, that is not how these calculations often work. America’s national accountants value the country’s Big Macs at American prices. China’s value theirs at the yuan price prevailing in their economy, which is around 25 yuan. When making international comparisons, China’s GDP is then converted into dollars using the market exchange rate of roughly 7.2 yuan to the dollar. The result is that China’s Big Macs are valued at only $3.47 in calculations of global GDP and not $5.69. Even if China and America produced the same number of Big Macs a year, China’s output would seem almost 40% smaller by conventional measures.

单词解析:conventional :adj.常规的;传统的;习惯的;墨守成规的;依照惯例的;非核的;普通平凡的

例句:She’s very conventional in her views. 她的观点很守旧。


【5】There is an obvious solution: ignore the currency markets and look at prices instead. If the yuan price of a Big Mac is roughly four times the dollar price, why not use that as the exchange rate? If China’s GDP were converted into dollars at 4.39 yuan to the dollar, its Big Macs would have the same value as America’s. These alternative exchange rates, which equalise the prices of goods and services, are known as purchasing-power parities, or PPPs.


例句:Send € 20 or the equivalent in your own currency.寄20欧元或等值的贵国货币。


【6】Owing to this newspaper’s long-running Big Mac index, we can calculate parities for McDonald’s burgers. But they are only one product, however tasty, in the cornucopia of global capitalism. To carry out a similar adjustment across national economies, it would be necessary to collect the price of hundreds of goods and services in different places around the world.


例句:In fact, his symbol is the cornucopia. 实际上,他的象征是丰饶之角。


【7】Every few years, the World Bank leads an initiative to do just that. The International Comparison Programme, as it is called, has just concluded its latest effort, the tenth in the past 56 years. It gathered the prices of hundreds of items across 176 countries, taking care to look at similar products in each place. Within China alone teams consulted about 16,000 shops and other outlets. The exercise is not without its difficulties, both practical and conceptual. Not every good is as standardised as a Big Mac, making like-for-like comparisons a matter of judgment. And often the same consumer need is met by different goods in different parts of the world. In rural Thailand, workers live on rice. In similar parts of Ethiopia, they live on teff. But “rice is hard to find in Ethiopia and teff is impossible to find in Thailand, so price comparisons are not possible,” as Angus Deaton of Princeton University and Alan Heston of the University of Pennsylvania have pointed out.


例句:No sculpture or conceptual art was included. 雕塑或概念艺术并不包括在内。

每隔几年,世界银行就会牵头发起一项倡议。国际比较方案刚刚结束了其最新努力,这是过去56年来的第十次努力。它收集了 176 个国家/地区的数百种商品的价格,并仔细查看每个地方的类似产品。仅在中国,团队就咨询了大约16,000家商店和其他商店。这项工作并非没有困难,无论是实际的还是概念的。并非每一种商品都像巨无霸一样标准化,因此同类比较成为一种判断问题。通常,世界不同地区的不同商品可以满足相同的消费者需求。在泰国农村,工人以大米为生。在埃塞俄比亚的类似地区,他们以画眉草为生。但是,正如普林斯顿大学的安格斯·迪顿(Angus Deaton)和宾夕法尼亚大学的艾伦·赫斯顿(Alan Heston)所指出的那样,“在埃塞俄比亚很难找到大米,在泰国也找不到画眉草,因此无法进行价格比较。

【8】Nonetheless, when the programme completed its work, it discovered that prices around the world were, on average, about 4% cheaper than previously thought, which meant the spending recorded by the world’s national accountants must have bought more stuff than previously guessed. The World Bank now calculates that global spending, across all countries and in a variety of currencies, had a purchasing power of $174trn in 2022. That is almost $7trn more than its prior estimate for the same year, which had drawn on the results of the previous comparison programme a few years ago, updated with national inflation rates.


例句:That estimate was right on the mark.那个估计分毫不差。

尽管如此,当该计划完成其工作时,它发现世界各地的价格平均比以前想象的便宜约4%,这意味着世界国家会计师记录的支出肯定比以前猜测的要多。世界银行现在计算出,2022 年所有国家和各种货币的全球支出购买力为 174 万亿美元。这比其先前对同年的估计高出近7万亿美元,该估计借鉴了几年前上一个比较方案的结果,并更新了全国通货膨胀率。

【9】This extra buying power is not evenly distributed. Almost $1.1trn of it was found in India, which is comfortably the third-biggest economy in the world by the PPP measure. The revisions also added $660bn to Russia’s economy, making it bigger than Japan’s. That is unwelcome news for Ukraine, which is fighting a costly war with its larger neighbour. But the embattled country can draw consolation from the extra $118bn that the revisions bestowed on it, increasing its purchasing power by more than a quarter.


例句:It was a title bestowed upon him by the king.那是国王赐给他的头衔。


【10】The largest chunk of extra spending power—$1.4trn—accrued to China. The boost means its economy was 25% bigger than America’s in 2022, if similar items are valued at similar prices. Using market exchange rates, by contrast, China’s GDP was still almost 30% smaller. China’s officials did not seem thrilled. “We need to interpret the…results with caution and correctly grasp the global economic landscape and the status of each economy in it,” said the country’s statistical association. It stressed that the data were not “official” and that China was still a developing country.


例句:The landscape seemed to stretch into infinity.风景似乎延伸到了无穷远处。

最大的额外消费能力——1.4万亿美元——归于中国。这一增长意味着,如果类似物品以相似的价格估值,其经济在 2022 年比美国大 25%。相比之下,使用市场汇率,中国的GDP仍然减少了近30%。中国官员似乎并不激动。“我们需要解释……谨慎的结果,并正确掌握全球经济格局和每个经济体在其中的地位,“该国统计协会说。它强调,这些数据不是“官方的”,中国仍然是一个发展中国家。

【11】Indeed, even with the additional purchasing power, China’s GDP per person is mediocre, ranking 85th in the world and remaining firmly in line with the world average. Since China’s saving rate is so high, its consumer spending ranks even lower. According to the World Bank, individual consumption came to less than $9,300 in 2021, compared with a global average of $12,950. China’s figure, adjusted for purchasing power, remains lower than equivalent spending in South Africa or Peru. There is no point finding lost change down the sofa if you just stuff it under the mattress.

单词解析: equivalent:adj.(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相同的;相等的 n.等量;对应词;相等的东西

例句:Send € 20 or the equivalent in your own currency. 寄20欧元或等值的贵国货币。

事实上,即使有了额外的购买力,中国的人均GDP也表现平平,排名世界第85位,与世界平均水平保持稳固一致。由于中国的储蓄率如此之高,其消费支出排名更低。根据世界银行的数据,2021 年个人消费不到 9,300 美元,而全球平均水平为 12,950 美元。经购买力调整后的中国数字仍低于南非或秘鲁的同等支出。如果你只是把它塞在床垫下面,在沙发上找到丢失的零钱是没有意义的。


1)原文:Almost $1.1trn of it was found in India, which is comfortably the third-biggest economy in the world by the PPP measure.


Almost $1.1trn (of it)(后置定语) was found [in India, (which is [comfortably] the third-biggest economy [in the world] [by the PPP measure])].(状语)


found 为谓语,采用一般过去时和被动语态。
which 为关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句。
is 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。
was 为助动词。the 为定冠词。



经济学人精读节选100篇Why global GDP might be $7trn bigger than everyone thought 为什么全球GDP可能比大家想象的要高出7万亿美元插图3

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