经济学人精读节选100篇Changes to China’s gaokao – Extra points for minoritystudents are going away 高考的变化-少数族裔学生的额外分数正在消失
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经济学人精读节选100篇Changes to China’s gaokao – Extra points for minoritystudents are going away
China’s college entrance exam isextremely difficult. The maximumscore is usually 750 while mostprovinces give extra points to certain groups.Unsurprisingly, this policy of extra points has causeddissatisfaction among students who did not receive anyextra points.In recent years, the state has graduallyabandoned this policy.
China’s university-entrance exam, known as the gaokao, ispunishingly difficult. The maximum possible score is usually 750 while mostprovinces give extra points to certain groups.Unsurprisingly, this extra-points system has bredresentment among those who receive no help with theirscores.The state itself has backed away from thepolicy in recent years.
China’s college entrance exams are extremely difficult,
China’s university-entrance exam, known as the Gaokao, is punishingly difficult.
外刊作者在表述“高考”时,用插入语known as..引入了“Gaokao”这个拼音词汇,将文化介绍最大限度地还原。
。Confucianism, also known as Ru or RuXue, is a system ofthought and behaviour that oriqinated in ancient China.(Confucianism,又称“儒”或“儒学”,是起源于中国古代的-种思想和行为体系。)
。The number nine, pronounced as Jiu in Chinese, meanseverlasting, longevity and eternity.
。The Yangtze River, also named the Chang Jiang River,originates from the “roofof the world”-the Qinghai TibetPlateau.
(扬子江又名“长江”,发源于“世界屋脊”– 青藏高原。)
插入语大多是完整分句的省略。如外刊原文中是定语从句..exam, which is known as the Gaokao的省略。
插入语的特点是去掉以后句子结构仍然完整:China’suniversity-entrance exam, known as the gaokae, ispunishingly difficult.
…..caused dissatisfaction among students who did not receive anyextra points.
→>……has bred resentment among those who receive no help withtheir scores.
● those作先行词
those作先行词相当于the people或the things,它可以简洁地指代无法用一个单词表示的人或物。例如此处的“人群”包含了学生,学生家长等等多重可能,所以用those-笔带过就好。
Those who earn most pay most tax.(那些挣钱最多的人交最多的税。)
Those who wish to come here will do so at their own risk.(愿意来的人都可以来,但责任自负。)
those who-虽然是定语从句的结构,但像上述例句一样放句首时,跟主语从句的观感很像,可以起到强调作用。
Thanks are due to all those who helped。(向所有帮过忙的人表示感谢。)
Life goes on for those of us who remain here below.(对于我们凡人来说,生活依日。)
those也可以像上述例句这样加上修饰词。all those强调全部相关人物,those ofus表明提及的群体与我们有关,
。He could imitate in speech or writing most of those (whom)he admired.
Eric was a gifted teacher beloved by all those (whom) he.taught over the years.
The syndrome is more likely to strike those whose immunesystems are already below par.
。None are so deafas those that will not hear(最聋的人莫过于不愿听别人意见的人。)
His simple message was that God will punish those that doCevil
。The votes in the marginals are those that really count.(边缘席位的选票才是最关键的。)
。The desian of the new house is similar to those that havealready been built.这栋新房子的设计与已经建好的那些房子相似。)
上述是 those指物的例子,引导词用that/which。
中国的高考 极其有难度
China’s college entrance exam is extremely difficult.
>China’s university-entrance exam, known as the Gaokao, ispunishingly difficult.
●高考 China’s college entrance exam >China’suniversity-entrance exam
“中国高考”的全称是The Nationwide Unified Examinationfor Admissions to General Universities and Colleges(普通高等学校招生全国统一考试),常用的简化形式是National/China’s college entrance exam/examination。
不过在外刊中,会见到一些大同小异的表达,例如本期原文的标题用的是Changesto China’sgaokao exam,再多看几个例子:
Chinese students hoping for a reprieve from this year’s。gruelling university-entrance exams are out of luck(希望从今年艰苦的高考中解脱出来的中国学生运气不佳。)
The national college-entrance exam that determines which, ifany, university the youngster can get into.(高考是全国性的大学入学考试,决定着年轻人能否进入哪所大学。)
The National Hiqher Education Entrance Examination, orgaokao for short, is a milestone for young Chinese people(高考是中国年轻人的里程碑。)
以上例句均来自《经济学人》。由此可见,用college或university都可以,加不加连字符都可以,exam和exams都行,还有用higher education表达的,所以整体来说还比较灵活的。如果要记忆的话,推荐比较标准易记的版本:National(国家)college(本科)entrance(入学)examination(考试)。
●极其有难度 extremely difficult >punishingly difficult
I had come from a dysfunctional family, exiled to boarding schoolsat a very early age.
>I had come from a dysfunctional family, exiled to boardingschools at apunishingly earlyage
这里的at apunishingly early age可以理解为 at an age thatseems like a punishment for a child, 这就比at a very earlyage更精准地传达了作者的感受
(她不停地喝着,因为她在长途跋涉后感到非常口渴。)She drank without stopping, for she felt extremely thirsty after herlong journey.
>She drank without stopping, for she felt exceedingly thirstyafter her long journey.
exceed v.超过的意思 felt exceedingly thirsty可理解为 thethirst exceeded what she could bear(囗渴超越了她可承受的范围)。
She left him with a very large amount of debt after using his creditcard.
>She left him with a staggeringly large amount of debt afterusing his credit card.
stagger v.使交错,使错开的意思,astaggeringly large a mount 可理解为alarge amount at which he was sosurprised that his jaw staggered(那么大一笔数额,他惊讶得下巴都错开了)
The maximum score is usually 750 while most provinces give extrapoints to certain groups.
>The maximum possible score is usually 750 while most provincesgive extra points to certain groups.
满分 maximum score ->maximum possible score
两种写法都可以。只是 maximum score 可以表示有可能达到的分数,例如:
The maximum score on this elementary math test is 100.(这份初级数学考试的满分为 100分。)
maximum possible score 则暗示一般来说不太有可能有人考得到这个分数,例如:
The maximum possible score for the lELTS writing section is 9(雅思写作部分的最高分是9分。)
Unsurprisingly, this policy of extra points has caused dissatisfactionamong students who did not receive any extra points.
>Unsurprisingly, this extra-points system has bred resentmentamong those who receive no help with their scores.
●加分制度 policy of extra points →>extra-points system
He is a God-wants-to-save-his-soul-but-cannot-find-it man(上帝愿意拯救其灵魂却寻之不得的人。)
People seem to have an insatiable appetite for any news。even the “little bird told me so”type of course.(人们似乎对任何新闻都有无尽的兴趣,哪怕是道听途说也罢。)
在语法结构合理的基础上,可以随文章的风格使用前置或者后置定语,例如有的人希望文风轻松一些,会把“我的朋友”说成my friend,有的人希望语气正式一些,会说成afriend of mine这样
●引起了不满 has caused dissatisfaction >has bredresentment
breed v.本是养殖或繁殖的意思,例如breed dogs,breedsweet peas,(frogs) breed in ponds等等。
resentment 是怨念的意思(afeeling of deep and bitteranger),如be simmering with resentment(憋着一肚子的怨恨),rumbles of resentment(声声怨念)。
外刊作者通过这两个词搭配,描述一种随着时间慢慢积累的隐藏在内心不满,比瞬时性的 cause dissatisfaction要有张力很多。以下是几个措辞含有时间张力的例句,平时在做读的时候也可以有意识积累一下这样的表达:
When you begin to write a story, make a list of interesting peopleyou know or have observed.
>When you begin to formulate a story, make a list of interestingpeople you know or have observed.
Despite the ease with which the rich can buy almost anythingthey desire, they are just as likely to be unhappy as the middleclasses.
>Despite the ease with which the rich can acquire almostanything they desire, they are just as likely to be unhappy as themiddle classes.
The job security that the US economy once offered to high schoolgraduates has largely disappeared
>The job security that the US economy once offered to highschoolgraduates has largelyevaporated.
evaporate 原意是蒸发,这里渐渐消失得无影无踪。
In recent years, the state has gradually abandoned this policy.
>The state itself has backed away from the policy in recent years.
@国家the state > The state itself
The Queen herself cut the ribbon to launch the new ship.(女王亲自为新船出海剪彩。)
The actor himself wrote the reply to his fan, rather than havehis secretary type it.
●摒弃 abandoned →backed away
back away原意是离开,例如:
I’d turn my head, and back away.
He refused to back away from his position.
外刊原文使用 back away from the policy,与前面的resentment(怨念)照应,表示国家重视群众的声音并进行了政策调整。
province [‘prpvIns]n.省份
extra [‘skstra]adj.额外的
policy [‘pplsi] n.政策
breed [bri;d]v.养殖,繁殖;酝酿,滋生
resentment [r’zentmantn.怨念
back away 退让
文章来源:《经济学人》 Jun 6th 2024 文章标题:Changes to China’s gaokao – Extra points for minoritystudents are going away
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